Our Team
Our Team
OO Administration Team
For general inquiries, please email dom@outsideopinion.com.au or phone +61 421 104 144.
For individual administration team member contact details, please click profiles below.
OO Associates
Outside Opinion is a team of experienced academic and research consultants drawn from senior academic and professional roles in higher education and public policy in Australia and abroad.
Our Associates include academic discipline experts and specialists with technical or practice expertise in particular service areas.
Academic Discipline Experts
Our team of Academic Discipline Experts has advanced knowledge and expertise in a diverse range of fields. To see all Academic Discipline Experts see below.
You can also view experts in the following disciplines Business, Law and Public Policy; Creative Arts and Design; Education; Environment and Sustainability; Health and Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Physical and Engineering Sciences; and Social Sciences.
You can view our Associates with technical or practice expertise in particular service areas on our Specialists page