Prof Tania Lewis
Prof Tania Lewis
Tania Lewis is a Professor in the School of Media and Communication at RMIT University. She is an experienced research manager, and award-winning mentor and research leader having formerly been the Director of the Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT and the Associate Dean of Research in her present School. Tania has published widely on the politics of lifestyle, sustainability, and ethical consumption, and on global media and digital cultures. Her sole and co-authored research monographs include Digital Food: From Paddock to Platform; Smart Living: Lifestyle Media and Popular Expertise; Telemodernities: Television and Transforming Lives in Asia and Digital Ethnography; Principles and Practices.
A former medical practitioner, Tania has won competitive Research Fellowships at the Universities of Edinburgh, Monash, Melbourne, La Trobe and RMIT, and has worked in the fields of sociology, cultural studies, literary studies, education, and critical public health. She has extensive experience in ethnographic research in household, community, and industry settings. Tania has been a Chief Investigator on Discovery Projects funded through the ARC and has been awarded category 2 to 4 funding including most recently by the End Food Waste Australia CRC and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN). She has wide experience as an expert grant reviewer both in Australia and in Europe.