Prof Robert van Krieken
Emeritus Professor Robert van Krieken
Robert van Krieken is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Sydney, as well as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania and at University College, Dublin. He is also a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. During his time at the University of Sydney he has been Chair of Department, Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the University of Sydney Senate. During his time at UCD (2009-2011), he was Director of the Social Science Research Centre. Across his career he has built up expertise in curriculum development, academic institution-building and development, academic governance, and the development of scholarly careers.
Robert has received two ARC Discovery grants, one regarding the Stolen Generations and the other concerning the development of family law in relation to post-separation parenting, and he has assessed numerous ARC applications, as well as acting as an evaluator for the Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) programme. He has also acted as an external assessor for a number of international research bodies, including the Belgian Federal Office of Scientific, Technical & Cultural Affairs, the Canadian Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, the European Science Foundation, the Danish Council for Independent Research, and the European Commission, and served as a member of University of Vienna’s evaluation of the Faculty of Social Sciences. He has held visiting positions at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research, the University of Vienna, the UNSW Law School, and most recently the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies, Futures of Sustainability, University of Hamburg.
He is the lead author of the most widely-used sociology textbook in Australia, Sociology, published by Pearson, currently in its 7th edition, as well as other books in social theory. He has published numerous articles in leading social science and socio-legal journals, including Theory & Society, Economy & Society, British Journal of Sociology, Sociological Review, Sociology, Theory, Culture & Society, Patterns of Prejudice, Social & Legal Studies, Modern Law Review, Law & Social Inquiry, Annual Review of Law & Social Science, and the Journal of Sociology. In addition, he is the author of a number of encyclopedia entries, and he translates significant social theoretical work from German and Dutch, published in journals such as Theory, Culture & Society, History of the Human Sciences, and the Sociological Review.
Robert has also been active in the International Sociological Association, serving as President of Research Committee 53 Sociology of Childhood and RC 17 Sociology of Organizations, as well on the Executive Committee, being Vice-President (Finance & Membership) between 2010 and 2014, acquiring key skills in the management of scholarly interaction and the mentoring of junior scholars at various stages of their careers.