Prof Peter Cockerill
Professor Peter Cockerill
Professor Cockerill has extensive experience of running research programmes and preparing research grant applications based on genomic studies of transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation in these fields:
Gene regulation in activated T cells and the epigenetic basis of T cell memory
Defining mutation-specific gene regulatory networks in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
Prof Cockerill returned to Australia in 2023 as a UK emeritus professor after 13 years of running a research group at the University of Birmingham and 10 years at the University of Leeds.
Prior to 2001 he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Hanson Centre for Cancer Research for 10 years, and a research fellow at the WEHI for 3 years.
This experience includes:
95 refereed publications with over 7500 citations with a H-index of 47
co-PI on 3 NH&MRC programme grants at the Hanson Centre from 1990 to 2000.
ARC National Research Fellowship at the WEHI from 1986-2000.
While in the UK Professor Cockerill was a regular reviewer of UK and European grants, including the MRC, BBSRC and Wellcome Trust, and also for the NH&MRC and ARC prior to 2001. Peter Cockerill has expertise in both running his own research and in communicating scientific findings to a wider audience on behalf of research institutes.
Recent admin experience at the University of Birmingham Medical School includes: Panel member of the fellowship training academy; Writing Spotlight articles and news items to highlight research from the Institute; Member of the Institute Executive; Chairing the Radiation Safety Committee; Academic lead overseeing the design and rebuilding of a floor of laboratories.