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Prof Patrick Perlmutter

Professor Patrick Perlmutter


Prof Perlmutter is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.  His research interests span many disciplines, including academic, medicinal and industrial chemistry, medicine, reactor engineering and physics.  He is the senior author on over 200 publications and has ten patents. He has published a monograph, Conjugate Addition Reaction in Organic Synthesis and is currently writing a new edition. He has also written many reviews and chapters in books on specialised chemistry topics.  He has spoken on his research at many major universities around the world as well as major international conferences and chemical companies. He has been the recipient of a Biota Fellowship, the Nagai Medal for Contributions to Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Tokushima and was Visiting Professorial Fellow at the University of Oxford in 2010-11. He held a Chair in Chemistry at the prestigious Dr Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India.

Professor Perlmutter has wide experience in consulting as well as acting as an expert witness in patent litigation trials.  He has supervised over 50 Ph D students and over 100 Honours students. He sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of two international journals and acts as reviewer on all national and many international funding agencies.  He also acts as referee on all the leading international chemistry journals related to his fields of interest.  He has been the recipient of over $7.5 million funding for his research over the last decade from both the Federal Government as well as commercial co-funding. 

Professor Perlmutter is the senior author on over 200 publications and has ten patents. He has published a monograph, Conjugate Addition Reaction in Organic Synthesis. He has been involved in the organization of many international meetings including an RACI National Congress serving as organizing secretary for the Organic Division, two Australia-Japan Drug Design Development Conferences as Co-Chair, JASOC (the Japan Australia Symposium on Organic Synthesis) as Co-Chair with Prof Takeshi Nakai.  He currently serves on a specialist international committee of the Regional Office Asia-Pacific under the auspices of The International Science Council.  

He has also served, for two years, on the Chemistry Committee of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Committee which redesigned the current chemical curriculum for Year 11 and 12 High School Chemistry in the State of Victoria. He was Director of Medicinal Chemistry in the Victorian Institute of Chemical Sciences.


Zenith Flume